Christ Centered. Kingdom Conscious.

Lower School
The Lower School at Sheridan Hills Christian School serves grades Kindergarten through 6th in an advanced academic program with a Classical Christian focus. Teachers seek to inspire the children to be life time learners.
Our curriculum includes Veritas, Saxon Math, and Shirley English. Each grade has a distinct classical capstone project which provides students with a hands on learning experience. Lower School students have weekly enrichment classes including Art, Computer Science, Latin, Library, Music and Physical Education. As a Classical Christian School, literature and history are emphasized in each grade level. Science is taught as a core class with a strong Biblical integration.
The Christian development of each child is an important part of school life. Daily Bible classes and weekly chapels are held for Lower School. Students may also participate in after school activities including athletics and theater performances.
Train up a child in the way he should go' even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Classical Capstone Projects

All School Chapels & Holiday Performances

Lower School
Fall Musical