Christ Centered. Kingdom Conscious.

What is Classical Christian Education?
The Trivium
Classical Christian Education is often defined as a three-stage process called the trivium. The trivium itself is an instructional method that encompasses the three elements of the classical disciplines: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. This pedagogy is applied from the earliest lessons through the latest as an effective response to the changing stages of development. All aspects of education are instructed and discipled through a Biblical worldview in order to create strong foundations of faith and Christian interpretation in each student.

Children are most receptive to information and can more readily memorize.
Focus is placed on reading, writing, and spelling, an introductory study of Latin, math proficiency, scientific facts and reasoning.
History is taught through a Biblical lens including the study of major Bible stories.
Students are given the tools to master elements of language and develop a general framework of knowledge.
Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Logical discussions, engagement in debates, and drawing correct conclusions with supporting facts is emphasized.
The pedagogy equips students to detect fallacies in an argument.
The skills developed promote discerning and thoughtful students – those who know when to follow and when to lead.
Focus is placed on reading, writing, and spelling, an introductory study of Latin, math proficiency, scientific facts and reasoning.
6th Grade - 8th Grade

Students are taught at a high level of academic rigor by teachers who are experts in their field.
Teachers guide students to be distinctive in their faith and articulate their faith in a proper manner
Students develop communication and leadership skills to further the kingdom of Christ.
Students add to their godly character persuasive speech and writing to glorify God.
9th Grade - 12th Grade
Classical Tools and Methods at SHCS
Veritas Press Curriculum (Bible, Language Arts, History, Reading)
Classic works of Literature & History
BJU Science Curriculum
Weekly Chapels
Introduction to Latin
BJU/Reveal Mathematics Curriculum
Assessments such as NWEA MAP testing
Weekly “Memory Period” with lessons in Geography, Latin, Bible, and History
Class Capstones
Various curricula such as Memoria Press, Veritas, Reveal Mathematics, Pearson, McGraw-Hill
Logic strategies incorporated into English, Bible & History classes
Assessments such as NWEA MAP testing & PSAT
Emphasis on Classical Literature
Academic Wheel Classes: Art, Logic, Computer Science & Life Skills
Weekly Chapels
Student clubs & organizations
House System
Various curricula such as Memoria Press, Veritas, Reveal Mathematics, Pearson, McGraw-Hill
Advanced Placement (AP) and Honors classes all of which emphasize rhetorical skills in both speaking & writing
Bible classes with Apologetics emphasis
Emphasis on Classical Literature
Assessments such as NWEA MAP testing , SAT/PSAT, ACT
Weekly Chapels
Annual Spiritual Retreat
Student clubs & organizations
Annual Europe Tours
Fine Arts classes: Art, Choir, Musical Theater
House System
Computer Technology
​Technology can be a powerful tool when properly used. SHCS students begin typing and basic coding classes beginning in K5. Upper School students may take courses such as Graphic Design, AP Computer Science Principles, and Computer Art and Design (CAD). Students are able to create through the medium of technology. They are also given the foundational skills to succeed in a 21st century environment.